Brake Fluid, Dot4 Grand Prix
Brake Fluid, Dot4 Grand Prix

Brake Fluid, Dot4 Grand Prix


Art. No. 10050863

2 Reviews

RRP £16.54 2
£12.40 1

Brake Fluid, Dot4 Grand Prix DOT 4 GRAND PRIX

  • DOT 4 Grand Prix is specially developed to meet the increase in safety requirements and for racing where the use of sintered metal pads increases temperatures
Contains: 1 litre

Technical details:
  • Dry boiling point: approx. 300°C
  • Wet boiling point: approx. 195°C.

Brake fluid corrodes vehicle paintwork and fairing elements made of plastic or rubber, etc.

Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child

Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child
Reviews (2)
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