Motorcycle Rear Suspension Lowering Kits

Motorcycle Rear Suspension Lowering Kits

A rear suspension lowering kit allows short riders to stand more firmly at traffic lights or when manoeuvring their motorbike. A big advantage in terms of safety and riding enjoyment! So it's well worth sacrificing a little cornering clearance. Important: To avoid your machine becoming too unmanoeuvrable when you fit a rear suspension lowering kit, it may be advisable to also lower the front, e.g. by raising the fork tubes in the triple trees.

Lucas Height Reducer
RRP Β£108.88 from Β£63.891
Rear Lowering Kit
RRP Β£91.34 from Β£68.701
Motorcycle Rear Suspension Lowering Kits

A rear suspension lowering kit allows short riders to stand more firmly at traffic lights or when manoeuvring their motorbike. A big advantage in terms of safety and riding enjoyment! So it's well worth sacrificing a little cornering clearance. Important: To avoid your machine becoming too unmanoeuvrable when you fit a rear suspension lowering kit, it may be advisable to also lower the front, e.g. by raising the fork tubes in the triple trees.

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