Chopper & Cruiser Boots

Chopper & Cruiser Boots

Biker boots or heavy work boots are simply part of the American way of ride. Some people call them chopper boots or cruiser boots. But what counts is the lifestyle that this type of motorcycle boot embodies. When buying cowboy boots from Louis, If you're in any doubt about which to choose, you can order two different sizes, or two different models, from Louis online and try them on. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

DL-BM-9 motorbike boots
Detlev Louis
RRP Β£134.08 Β£117.331
Chopper & Cruiser Boots

Biker boots or heavy work boots are simply part of the American way of ride. Some people call them chopper boots or cruiser boots. But what counts is the lifestyle that this type of motorcycle boot embodies. When buying cowboy boots from Louis, If you're in any doubt about which to choose, you can order two different sizes, or two different models, from Louis online and try them on. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

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