O-Rings for Motorcycle Oil Filters

O-Rings for Motorcycle Oil Filters

Take no risks with leaks: O-rings for the oil filters on many Japanese motorbikes and gasket sets for BMW two-valve boxer engines are available at bargain prices from Louis. These seals wear over time, and then start leaking. It's best to fit a new O-ring as well as a new filter each time you do an oil change.

O-Ring For Oilfilter
RRP Β£1.66 from Β£0.221
O-Rings for Motorcycle Oil Filters

Take no risks with leaks: O-rings for the oil filters on many Japanese motorbikes and gasket sets for BMW two-valve boxer engines are available at bargain prices from Louis. These seals wear over time, and then start leaking. It's best to fit a new O-ring as well as a new filter each time you do an oil change.

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