Camping Crockery & Stoves

Camping Crockery & Stoves

Camping stoves and cooking utensils should be part of every biker's equipment. Because nothing beats a picnic on a mountain meadow with freshly made coffee. Gas or petrol stove? That's always the question for campers. Petrol stoves have the advantage that the fuel is available everywhere, and they will work in the cold and at high altitudes - important considerations for long tours to more exotic parts of the world. Gas stoves are easier to use, and they burn without producing any soot or odour. Of course, you can also drink your coffee from a thermos flask. Either way, sturdy stainless-steel drinking mugs from Louis are recommended.

300S Charcoal Grill
RRP Β£83.76 Β£63.681
RRP Β£163.42 Β£152.431
Hip Flask Set
Insulated bottle 0,75L
RRP Β£12.57 Β£8.381
MultiFuel III multifuel cooker
RRP Β£167.60 Β£137.931
service kit for multifuel cooker
RRP Β£20.95 Β£18.371
Titanium Cutlery Set
RRP Β£25.11 Β£22.061
Camping Crockery & Stoves

Camping stoves and cooking utensils should be part of every biker's equipment. Because nothing beats a picnic on a mountain meadow with freshly made coffee. Gas or petrol stove? That's always the question for campers. Petrol stoves have the advantage that the fuel is available everywhere, and they will work in the cold and at high altitudes - important considerations for long tours to more exotic parts of the world. Gas stoves are easier to use, and they burn without producing any soot or odour. Of course, you can also drink your coffee from a thermos flask. Either way, sturdy stainless-steel drinking mugs from Louis are recommended.

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