Pro-Bolt stainless steel axle nut metric
Pro-Bolt stainless steel axle nut metric

Pro-Bolt stainless steel axle nut metric

M24 X 1,5 32WS

Art. No. 60901602

8 Reviews

Important notes

The axle-nuts do not have a mechanical locking device. Therefore we recommend a liquid thread locker if necessary, please see "compatible products".

£27.83 1

Pro-Bolt stainless steel axle nut metric M24 X 1,5 32WS

If you want to turn a rather humble component of your motorcycle into an eye-catching feature, you couldn't do better than choose Pro-Bolt axle nuts made of gleaming V4A stainless steel. But it's not just the looks that count.

Pro-Bolt axle nuts are also outstandingly strong and corrosion-resistant. In other words: they're built to last!

They even come with a tube of copper paste for lubricating the thread, which is ideal for preventing any risk of seizing, especially when two different metals are pressed against each other.

Very important:
Yoke nuts made of aluminium are widely available in the same sizes as Pro-Bolt stainless steel axle nuts, but they should never be used instead of original axle nuts. This is for safety reasons, because aluminium nuts are only suitable for uses where they do not have to withstand strong forces.

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