Tin sign "Werkstattregeln"
Tin sign "Werkstattregeln"
Nostalgic Art

Tin sign "Werkstattregeln"


Art. No. 10055984

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£11.69 1

Tin sign "Werkstattregeln" REGULATE WXH: 20X30CM

So much for your workshop being "all higgledy-piggledy". There are rules here. Simple, clear, understandable and ... unfair! But that doesn't matter, everyone is welcome to follow them and those who can't keep them will find everything there is to know on the great tin sign *Workshop Rules*. Less talking, more pointing! Are there still questions?

  • beautifully and very high quality processed, "used look" tin sign
  • punched from metal, with elaborate 3D embossing
  • pre-drilled holes for mounting and folded edges
  • Dimensions (W x H): 20 x 30 cm

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