Ich Bin Über 70
Ich Bin Über 70

Ich Bin Über 70


Art. No. 210426

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RRP £20.94 2
£16.75 1

Ich Bin Über 70 T-Shirt

Guys, the time flies! Is it you or do you know someone who came across the 70's line and still rides his motorcycle? This is the perfect present: the funny MOTOmania T-shirt "Ich bin über 70". The artist Holger Aue makes fun of old but hale guys in a nice and funny way. Laugh with him! So... and now the question what actually is a motorcycle?

  • Collar shape: round neck
  • Front: funny comic motive
  • Material: 99 % cotton, 1 % polyester

Manufacturer: Lappan Verlag in der Carlsen | Würzburger Strasse 14 | 26121 Oldenburg | Germany | +49 (40) 39804 0 | info@carlsen.de | www.carlsen.de
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