3-step polishing set for angle grinder
3-step polishing set for angle grinder

3-step polishing set for angle grinder


Art. No. 10091767

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RRP £54.45 2
£37.70 1

3-step polishing set for angle grinder SET FOR ANGLE GRINDER

There's no secret to achieving sanding and polishing results like the professionals. Simply use G-Wendt. This 3-step polishing set for angle grinders, for example. You can achieve a fantastic surface finish in just three easy steps. This set of perfectly coordinated products comprises discs and a block of Wendt *white* polishing paste, which enables you to remove light weld seams and surface defects on stainless steel and produce an amazing mirror finish.
For best results, use a variable-speed angle grinder.

Step 1:
1 hybrid flap disc 125 x 22.23 mm, "medium" – optimum rpm: 6,500 / max. rpm: 12,250
The combination of abrasive flaps with a backing and nylon flaps is ideal for removing weld seams and deep scratches to leave a uniform surface finish. Polish evenly backwards and forwards with the disc to avoid unevenness and ensure the best results.

Step 2:
1 unitized compact grinding disc 125 x 22.23 mm, "very fine" – optimum rpm: 7,000 / max. rpm: 9,800
Three-dimensional material containing extremely fine abrasive grit. Quickly gets rid of light scratches without removing any material. Leaves a uniform, smooth finish as the pre-polishing stage. Tip: To achieve the best possible result in the third step, it's worth taking the time to remove minor scratches in steps 1 & 2.

Step 3:
1 felt flap disc 125 x 22.23 mm, "soft" – optimum rpm: 1,520 / max. rpm: 7,700 plus 1 polishing paste "white" – for a mirror finish. Start the disc running on the angle grinder. Then apply the polishing paste to the underside of the felt polisher for several seconds. The polish will cling to the felt. Next, work backwards and forwards across the surface with the disc. You can add more polish to the disc at any time if required. The mirror finish gradually emerges. Important: Do not exceed the specified maximum speed. Felt polishing tools must always be used in combination with a polishing paste. Always use the same polishing paste on the same felt polisher. This is the only way to consistently achieve the best results.

In the box:
1 hybrid flap grinding disc 125 x 22.23 mm
1 unitized compact grinding disc 125 x 22.23 mm
1 felt flap disc 125 x 22.23 mm
1 polishing paste “white"

All versions
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