oiler Breather Extension
oiler Breather Extension

oiler Breather Extension


Art. No. 10014688

2 Reviews

RRP £8.26 2
£6.63 1

oiler Breather Extension EXTENSION

If you purchased the latest Scottoiler system (2019 model with multi-dispenser plate) and oil mist is escaping from the breather cap, you can rectify this using this additional part.

The air flow extraction in these systems can now be controlled via a cap which makes them easier to mount and more compact. The reservoir is now ventilated via this cap which means it cannot be fully tight.
When installing, always make sure the rubber priming plug is at the highest point in the reservoir. Bear in mind though that if you install the reservoir at too steep an angle, oil may be discharged through the breather cap when braking and/or accelerating.

This can be avoided using the breather extension. Pull the breather cap off the rubber priming plug and connect the new extension instead. It's best to route this upwards in a loop so that any oil that sloshes into the extension runs back into the reservoir.

Manufacturer: Rock Oil Vertriebsges. mbH | Bahnstrasse 90 | 55239 Gau-Odernheim | Germany | +49 67 33 / 20 59 470 | shop@rockoil.de | www.rockoil-shop.de
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