Metal Polish
Metal Polish
Metal Polish
Metal Polish
Metal Polish
Metal Polish

Metal Polish


Art. No. 10038330

1 Review

RRP Β£12.57 2
Β£10.00 1
Baseprice: 1 l = Β£99.971

Metal Polish CONTAINS: 400 ML

What an amazing shine! Your motorbike will positively gleam once you've treated all the metal parts with S100 Metal Polish. All traces of corrosion, rust film, dull surfaces and scratches simply disappear. You can even get rid of discolouration on your exhaust. Polishing doesn't get any easier than this. For all smooth, unpainted metal surfaces.

  • Contains: 100 ml

Manufacturer: Dr. O.K. Wack Chemie GmbH | Untere Au 9 | 85107 Baar-Ebenhausen | Germany | +49 8453 41995100 | |
Review (1)
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