Reparaturanleitung Youngtimer aus Japan
Reparaturanleitung Youngtimer aus Japan

Reparaturanleitung Youngtimer aus Japan


Art. No. 10053405

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£33.44 1

Reparaturanleitung Youngtimer aus Japan MANUAL, SPECIAL ED., 176P

Japanese Youngtimers - care, service, repair, engine, transmission, chassis, electrics

  • True Japanese classics from Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha built between 1970 and the 90s not only enjoy cult status, but you also see lots of them the road these days. And if a bike is in use, it must be well looked after and maintained.
  • This edition - now the eighth general volume of repair manuals - takes on typical repairs in the accustomed practical and professional manner. It has everything the fan of Japanese "youngtimers", meaning retro motorbikes, needs to know and do to ensure continued enjoyment from his bike.
  • Author: Franz Josef Schermer
  • 192 pages, 280 x 210 mm, paperback
  • Only in german language

Manufacturer: P. Pietsch Verlage Gmbh & Co. KG | Industriestrasse 23 | 70178 Stuttgart | Germany | +49 711210800 | |

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