Multipurpose Tripod
Multipurpose Tripod
Multipurpose Tripod
Multipurpose Tripod
Multipurpose Tripod
Multipurpose Tripod
Multipurpose Tripod
Multipurpose Tripod

Multipurpose Tripod


Art. No. 10060883

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RRP £27.65 2
£23.99 1

Multipurpose Tripod POLISPORT

"Stand still, bike!" - your off-road machine has for reasons no own stand (weight, look, etc.) for safe parking, then donate it but a multi-purpose tripod of Polysport! This motorcycle stand is very robust and fulfills 3 functions: The tripod can be used as a side stand, as well as a spacer if you want to put your motorcycle on one side. Then you can reach difficult places when washing prima. In addition, the stand also serves as a fork protector during transport. The Polisport multi-purpose tripod reduces the pressure on the fork during transport. Position it for this purpose between the front wheel and the front fender. That holds.
  • made of very durable plastic
  • as a replacement for the usual side stand, transport aid and laying support
  • Includes 2 bushings: Ø1 0mm and Ø 14 mm, suitable for all off-road motorcycles.
Manufacturer: POLISPORT PLÀSTICOS S.A. | Avenida Ferreida De Castro 818 | 3720-024 Carregosa | Portugal | +35 1256410230 | |
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