ezCAN extension cable set
ezCAN extension cable set
HEX Innovate

ezCAN extension cable set


Art. No. 10017861

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RRP £58.64 2
£50.00 1

ezCAN extension cable set CABLE SET

Forget the "cable patching game" when you have to bridge large distances on your motorcycle when installing, for example, additional headlights - in conjunction with a HEX *ezCAN 4 channel CAN bus* accessory manager (e.g. 10017850). Hex offers the *ezCAN* extension cable set, which extends the four switching outputs of the accessory manager in different ways (1 x approx. 45 cm, 3 x approx. 145 cm) using pre-assembled cables. This is a quality cable set with splash-proof plug connections. So nothing actually stands in the way of installing additional headlights, horns, brake lights and other electrical consumers.

Note: Only suitable for the current Hex *ezCAN* Generation 2!

Scope of delivery:
1 x 3-wire extension cable L = approx. 45 cm
2 x 3-wire extension cable L = approx. 145 cm
1 x 2-wire extension cable L = approx. 145 cm
3 x plugs with pin's & cable plugs
5 x sockets with pins & cable plugs
1 x bag of small and insulating material
All versions
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