Saddlebag Holders
Saddlebag Holders
Hepco & Becker

Saddlebag Holders

Art. No. 10024560

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RRP Β£173.39 2
from Β£115.87 1

Saddlebag Holders

HEPCO & BECKER Saddlebag Holder:

High-quality chromed saddlebag holder from Hepco & Becker. Enhances the look of your bike and safely keeps your bags from getting too close to the rear wheel. Sold in pairs. Quality "Made in Germany".

Note: To attach Hepco & Becker Saddlebags to the Hepco & Becker Saddlebag Holders, we recommend the Quick Lock, Order no. 10005090. Components supplied for 1 bag.

Manufacturer: Hepco & Becker GmbH | An der Steinmauer 6 | 66955 Pirmasens | Germany | +49 63311453222 | |
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