Chain Zvm-X 520 525 530 Silver
Chain Zvm-X 520 525 530 Silver
Chain Zvm-X 520 525 530 Silver
Chain Zvm-X 520 525 530 Silver
Chain Zvm-X 520 525 530 Silver
Chain Zvm-X 520 525 530 Silver

Chain Zvm-X 520 525 530 Silver

with connecting link

Art. No. 60902300

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RRP Β£114.79 2
from Β£75.16 1

Chain Zvm-X 520 525 530 Silver with connecting link

Many motorcyclists don't really care about the drive chain. The vehicle is just driven with it. But there are big differences, which are expressed in mileage and appearance is too often forgotten. From D.I.D. there are, for example, these ZVM-X single chains in silver. In the most common lengths, as open chain and including rivet lock. Almost indestructible! You will enjoy these chains for a long time.
  • Extra reinforced X-ring single chains with permanent grease filling from DID, in very high, durable quality.
  • The open chains are supplied with matching hollow rivet lock and are available in sizes 520, 525 and 530 in various lengths.
  • Currently the best D.I.D chain in terms of rigidity** (10% higher than its predecessor ZVM2),
  • with the highest mileage index so far and with D.I.D X-ring seals*** with half the friction value compared to an O-ring chain.
Chain colors:
  • SILVER - (steel colored)
Tensile strengths:
  • 525 ZVM-X: 4720 kg
  • 530 ZVM-X: 4720 kg
Mileage index:
  • 520 ZVM-X: 3500
  • 525 ZVM-X: 4000
  • 530 ZVM-X: 4000
Reference: Standard chain (=100)

Good to know:
** Rigidity of a chain means resistance to deformation and elongation. Higher rigidity means smoother handling, less loss of power and faster chain response.

*** The specially shaped sealing rings significantly change the friction surface of the link plates. At the same time, the doubling of the sealing points from 2 to 4 results in much greater security against loss of lubricant and perfect protection against contamination.
Manufacturer: Matthies, Johannes J. GmbH & Co. | Hammerbrookstr. 97 | 20097 Hamburg | Germany | +49 4023725120 | |
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