Reparaturanleitung Zweitakter
Reparaturanleitung Zweitakter

Reparaturanleitung Zweitakter


Art. No. 10053195

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£33.44 1

Reparaturanleitung Zweitakter MECHANICS SPEC. ED., 176P

Two-stroke engines - Engine . Carburettor . Ignition . Chassis

  • Two-stroke motorbikes are here to stay - the arrival of four-stroke engines has not driven them out.
  • This special edition of repair manuals contains all you need to know about the professional care, service and repair of the two-stroke engines found in everything from small motorcycles to vintage machines.
  • Choosing the right engine oil and spark plugs, cleaning and adjustment of carburettor, changing cylinders, pistons and crankshaft: no question goes unanswered. And it covers an amazing number of bikes that you can meet on the road.
  • A must for all two-stroke fans
  • 176 pages, paperback
  • Only in german language

Manufacturer: P. Pietsch Verlage Gmbh & Co. KG | Industriestrasse 23 | 70178 Stuttgart | Germany | +49 711210800 | |
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