Buch/Comic - Perscheids Schrauber-Buch
Buch/Comic - Perscheids Schrauber-Buch

Buch/Comic - Perscheids Schrauber-Buch


Art. No. 10053822

1 Review

£8.38 1

Buch/Comic - Perscheids Schrauber-Buch COMIC FOR DIY MECHANICS

This will bring tears to the eyes of any biker: Perscheid's cartoons and texts on all things motorbike are definitely not for slow coaches, and instead have given this DIY mechanic book cult status among true motorcycle fans. Of course it goes without saying that Perscheid has also been tinkering away on this new edition and totally pimped it out with cartoons and classy features.

  • 80 colour pages
  • 16.00 x 16.00 cm
  • Suitable for persons above 14 years of age
  • Hardcover

Review (1)
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