Motorrad am Nürburgring

Motorrad am Nürburgring

Your LouisCard advantage:  10 % off enduro training courses

Motorrad am Nürburgring


10 % off enduro training courses.

Motorrad am Nürburgring stands for fun, hospitality, face-to-face interactions and new friendships.

Although we’re new to the motorbike scene, we’re seasoned veterans as market leaders in the field of off-road driving professionals. Drawing on our expertise in driving safety and motorsport, OFFROADWERK provides more than just training – we offer the Masterclass. Our terrain? No less a place than the legendary Nürburgring, also nicknamed ‘The Green Hell’.

The Motorrad am Nürburgring lets us be fun and daring. Humorous. Incomparable and refreshingly different.

More safety, more motorbike. 

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