Schuberth - Brand shop
A class of its own
For 60 years now, Schuberth has been developing helmets for bikers. This much experience inevitably leaves its traces. In the worlds of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics, for example, Schuberth helmets are one the most stable and quietest helmets in the world - thanks to intensive testing in the company’s in-house wind tunnel. Or in the world of technological innovations: The first flip-up helmet with integral sun visor, the first helmet with built-in antenna for the fully integrated communications system - all developed by Schuberth. Likewise, in matters of safety Schuberth is consistently ahead of the game. One example is the Anti-Roll-Off system which, in the event of an accident, positions the helmet on the driver’s head in such a way that ensures better chin and chest protection.
For 60 years now, Schuberth has been developing helmets for bikers. This much experience inevitably leaves its traces. In the worlds of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics, for example, Schuberth helmets are one the most stable and quietest helmets in the world - thanks to intensive testing in the company’s in-house wind tunnel. Or in the world of technological innovations: The first flip-up helmet with integral sun visor, the first helmet with built-in antenna for the fully integrated communications system - all developed by Schuberth. Likewise, in matters of safety Schuberth is consistently ahead of the game. One example is the Anti-Roll-Off system which, in the event of an accident, positions the helmet on the driver’s head in such a way that ensures better chin and chest protection.