Koso - Brand shop
Since 1981
Koso indicator kits display everything you need to know about your bike, and then some. Many displays can be individually programmed. And because they look great as well as have all the functions, the tachometers, speedometers and other instruments are ideal for streetfighter conversions, supersport bikes and choppers or as replacements for expensive standard cockpits. Of course, Koso also has all the necessary accessories for your bike such as rearview mirrors and lighting equipment.
Koso indicator kits display everything you need to know about your bike, and then some. Many displays can be individually programmed. And because they look great as well as have all the functions, the tachometers, speedometers and other instruments are ideal for streetfighter conversions, supersport bikes and choppers or as replacements for expensive standard cockpits. Of course, Koso also has all the necessary accessories for your bike such as rearview mirrors and lighting equipment.