Motorcycle Oil Drain & Sealing Rings

Motorcycle Oil Drain & Sealing Rings

If you plan to do your own oil change, you'll find useful accessories at Louis. For example, magnetic oil drain plugs, which capture fine metal particles and remove them from the engine oil, so reducing engine wear. An oil drain valve helps to keep everything clean and safe. No spillage and no burnt fingers! You simply fit the oil drain valve in place of the original drain plug. Then, to drain the oil, just attach the hose connector to the oil drain valve using the quick-release mechanism.

Alu-Cap for Oil Drain Valve,
Aluminium washer set for oil
from Β£2.561
Copper ring set for oil
from Β£1.701
Megnetic Oil Drain Plug
from Β£5.991
Oil Drain Valve
from Β£33.271
Motorcycle Oil Drain & Sealing Rings

If you plan to do your own oil change, you'll find useful accessories at Louis. For example, magnetic oil drain plugs, which capture fine metal particles and remove them from the engine oil, so reducing engine wear. An oil drain valve helps to keep everything clean and safe. No spillage and no burnt fingers! You simply fit the oil drain valve in place of the original drain plug. Then, to drain the oil, just attach the hose connector to the oil drain valve using the quick-release mechanism.

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